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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Spina Bifida Bowl-A-Thon

This past weekend was our local SB Bowl-A-Thon and as you know I've been working on raising money, $250.00 to be exact the last few months, but really pushed the last few days. :) Thank you to all my wonderful friends and family who donated because when I got home from the bowl-a-thon, I was at my goal! WOOT! While that amount isn't as large as some other teams, we still came in 5th in fundraising :) So thank you thank you thank you to those donors!

We had a blast at the bowl-a-thon, our team, Kaitlyn's Kingpins, had the highest team score, 632 and that was with K bowling hehe, she actually was the 2nd highest score on our team lol what can I say the kid has skills! :) We won 5 g.c. for pizza and 5 g.c. for 5 free 19 hole putt putt games, so a good family day soon for us.  There was tons of items for their silent auction, we didn't bid on any, since we didn't have any extra money but they had some cool things. Plus they had lots of raffle items.  Each team got 1 ticket per member, so we started with 5.  If you bowled a strike you got another ticket, my dear sweet husband, who hasn't bowled in years bowled a 232, so about 9 strikes, plus I had 3.  We did end up winning (well H) an Avon basket, so I am still waiting to go through our goodies.

The local semi-pro football team, The Huntsville Rockets, came out to support the bowl-a-thon as well. They weren't able to stay the whole time, since they had a game, but it was great seeing them out there. There were many sponsors and we really enjoyed our time there, can't wait for next year.

K got to try out an Ambucs Tryke and it's so cool. They are made for special needs kids, who can't ride traditional bikes, this one has handlebars that pedal the bike along with the normal pedals. So it's great because it works the good and weaker muscles. We filled out some paperwork, to get the process started, we're hoping we can get some assistance because it cost $400 to $800 or so depending on the type.  That part I am worried about, but I really want to give K a "typical" childhood and want her to ride a bike, so we'll do what we have to do to make it happen.

Ambucs Tryke Demo

Having fun at the Spina Bifida Bowl-A-Thon

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Some days I am not sure why I do it and other days I feel it's therapeutic in a way. I blog to have memories of things going on in my life, milestones and changes my kids go through, who needs baby books! I blog as a way to journal and find some peace at times.  My mind is bogged down with things I need to do, want to do, should do, and this is a little escape. 

I doubt I'll ever be a cool mom blogger, and that's OK, I don't know that I would want hundreds, thousands or more reading my everyday thoughts...but there are plenty of moms who do it and make money at it.  So sure it's crossed my mind, I could find a niche and blog it, but who am I kidding, I don't have time for that.  I have a small group of followers and some I am not even sure they read anymore, not that I blame them much.  I can understand as my life got all kinds of crazy awhile back and blogging fell to the way side. Though at times, because you know everyone who blogs, likes comments, I wonder if anyone is reading at all. 

So if you're reading let me know! :) Leave a comment and say hi lol ;)

Now on to my real reason for blogging tonight lol I've formed a team for the Spina Bifida Assoc of Alabama because as you my faithful readers know, Kaitlyn was born with SB.  So her team, Kaitlyn's Kingpins are participating in the bowl-a-thon on April 21 and I'm trying to raise money!!

Doesn't she just make you want to pull out your wallet and donate? Come on, she is ADORABLE! ;)

So if you're so inclined and want to help out Kaitlyn's team, please go to this link and donate! :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Easter was a low key event for us this year, which is nice after the crazy busy weeks we've had lately.  A couple weeks ago we went to my moms group Spring Fling/Egg hunt which was fun.  Then for Easter we had my dad over for a bit and then we went to see my mom for a couple hours.  It was nice, she was kinda of down, not sure if it was really due to the holiday though since we found out this week that the insurance isn't going to pay for her rehabilitation.  :( Either way, we brought her an basket with some goodies in it that she likes and that seemed to help perk her up a little and some cupcakes :)

We almost forgot to dye eggs this year, not sure but how but I had forgot to even buy eggs! So my poor hubby had to go out on Sat evening and get eggs lol but thankfully we got done and they turned out pretty.

All in all it was a nice Easter, tried to get some decent pictures of the girls, but someone was always making a face, turning their head or blinking lol so here's what you get:

Monday, April 9, 2012


So you know when you and your special other first met, you went out on dates, had fun times and enjoyed spending time together, heck you even had something to talk about! Those days seem far and few between now that we're married (maybe you feel that way to?) but we're determined to get back to dating, each other ;) So now that K is older and a little easier to leave we've got my SIL to come watch the girls for us, two months in a row! Yep I am bragging lol, says the girl who hadn't been on a date with her hubby in over 2 years! It was so easy when it was the 2 older girls, I could get my dad to come hang out with them for a few hours, but his health isn't great enough to take care of a very active almost 2 year old, so it's been put on hold.

So I mentioned in a blog posts back in Feb. that what I really wanted for Valentine's Day was to go out on a date without me having to plan it.  I don't know if hubby read my blog (which I don't even think he knows the link) or someone told him or he just finally took a hint, but it happened! We only did dinner and shopping, but it was nice.  Our last date night was just a little over a week ago, dinner and a movie and shopping, yes it was bliss! We went to see The Hunger Games, though a late showing, it was great! I wasn't sure if hubby would be to into it, but he enjoyed it, there was enough action to keep his interest lol. I had already read the book so I was kind of disappointed in a few changes, but overall I felt it was true to the book.

Though dates are awesome, I forget how pricey they can be! Our dinner/movie night cost us about $70, ouch and that didn't include the shopping, but that was for the girls Easter items. It's quite sad when the 2 drinks & 1 popcorn cost more than 2 movie tickets.... I mean really!? So we'll definitely scale back our next date night and I am on the hunt for great Groupon and Living Social deals, so maybe we'll find our next adventure there! I am gearing up for our 12th Anniversary date in May, maybe we'll take an overnight trip but only if I can get a deal, hence the stalking of Groupon and LS lol.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Hookin' It

Not in a bad way! Crochet hooks ;) My moms group had a craft swap in March so I had to come up with something to make to exchange with another crafter :) I didn't want to make another scarf or blanket, besides it's HOT around here and I wanted it to be something useful not just decor, so I searched Pinterest of course, because that's my latest addiction. Luckily I had already pinned this particular item so it was easy to find! :)

Here is my creation:

That gorgeous perfectly matched lining? Hand sewn in to the purse, thank you  very much :) Also I made 2 pockets, because really what good is a purse without some kind of pocket?? Not a good one! I really love the purse and it wasn't to bad making it, worst part was making the lining and attaching it.  I want one for myself, but not sure I am ready to tackle it again.

In return I received some beautiful wall art that I had been wanting to make myself, but never got around to and I had the perfect spot for it.

Sorry the picture is blurry, it is from my phone. :) The frame below the wall art is from my moms group, it was given to me our 5 Year Anniversary. Love it too! :) Now I just need to find 2 smaller wall art items to go on either side of the flowers and I am set.


I grew up playing sports and loved it, now my kids are playing and they love it, even I love it.  I don't love the crazy hours it entails though.  When I was a kid playing rec leagues, we did not practice like kids do these days, nor play these crazy late hour games, so it frustrates me to say the least.  Last night was J & H's first softball game, they have had practice for a month, 3 to 4 times a week each, sigh.  The games last night were slated for 6 p.m. and 7:15 p.m., H being the later one. Her game got a late start, so they ended up playing until 9 p.m. Really?? Come on people, these are 7 & 8 year olds, they really DO NOT need to be playing that late when they have school.  The kids did not get into bed until 10 last night since we still had to eat and finish homework and not to mention it takes us about 15 to 20 mins to get home from the ball park.

Being our first year doing this many sports or ones that play so late in the week vs the weekend, I am still learning the ropes. I don't know how parents do this, keep up with homework, dinner, and still manage to get everything else done.  We have got to figure it out soon as games go through the end of May and I don't want to struggle every week with it.

Any advice?