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Friday, May 6, 2011

Not Quite A Month

It's not been quite a month since my last entry, but close.  A lot has gone on since my last post, my mom is now in Rehab/LTC (long term care) here in Alabama.  She was moved the Monday after Easter.  On Easter I got a call from my stepdad that she had passed her swallow test.  That was AMAZING news, as just the day before she failed.  While it's still a long road to go down, this is so very positive. They are still working on this at the LTC/Rehab place and plan to do a swallow test today and hopefully get her on a diet of food, not liquid food thru the tube as currently.  I pray she passes, not only because I want her to regain functions, but because I think it will help her move forward on healing.  I know her body has to be weak, it's been over a month since she had a real meal and she's been complaining of headaches nonstop.

I've seen her several times since she has arrived here, some days are good (like Wed) and some are so so, like today.  I can tell she's down and depressed. I can understand.  She went from having 1 of us there everyday all day with her to me just visiting about every other day.  My stepdad and sis came down this past weekend but weren't able to stay long due to the power outage from the tornadoes.

I plan to take all the kids up to see her on Sunday and bring her some gifts. I hope that will raise her spirits some and I hope she's got to eat by then as well.  Overall I would say she's doing well on adjusting, I just wish things could go back to what they used to be. I know it can't/won't happen but I can pray.

In other news, we had awful tornadoes come through on April 27 here in Alabama, many many tornadoes. It would take me ALL DAY to find links to show you the devastation but you can go to youtube and search for Alabama tornadoes April 27 and find tons of videos and there's groups and such on facebook with photos. I have friends who lost their houses, friends who have damage to their homes and friends who lost family members.  Thankfully and by the grace of God we're all OK as is my house.  It's heart breaking seeing the devastation all over Alabama, but one thing is for sure, the people of Alabama have come together as one.

Last but not least, Kaitlyn turns 1 this Sunday.  I am feeling quite guilty though because I don't have any thing planned, cake picked out or anything. I know she will never know, but it's 1st birthday and that's important.  We have had so much happen in the last month, I just could not find the time to get things done. So I will be working on that tonight and tomorrow and see what I can come up with on Sunday. 

So there is my May random update.