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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Hey Look!

It's June! Yep, long time no see, my poor neglected blog.  Oh well, life happens.  So life has been busy as normal, we're done with school, yay! Now the countdown is back on until school starts back ;) hehe, not really but I am sure soon enough I will feel that way.

So what's happened since my last post? Just the normal, sports, sports, school, girl scouts, and work.  That about sums it up. Jess enjoyed being on the track team at school, the girls took 1st place in the city championship meet, so that was pretty awesome, got some neat awards from that.  Hailey played Spring soccer but the days and days of rain made for a very short season.  Jess is finishing up Spring softball right now, they are in the tournament days, we've lost 1, if we lose 1 more we're out.  Hoping they win tonight! I think next Spring I will make H play softball again, rather than soccer. 

This Summer is being filled with various sports camps, hope to fit in a few art camps as well.  Jess made the school volleyball team again, so that's her main focus.  H is playing rec league volleyball in the fall, so we'll do a few camps for her as well. Oh and let's not forget VBS in July, but that's easy and FREE!

This fall will be a big change for me.  K & V (the little one I babysit) will be going to moms day out, twice a week.  Whatever shall I do, with 4 hours each day to myself??? Oh I know it'll be a little bittersweet for me to not have K at home, but I will sure enjoy some me time! I could get a haircut, go shopping (fun and boring stuff lol) or even take a nap! I may even get to enjoy some lunch dates with friends.  I am hoping K transitions well to that, she didn't love playgroup and it was only an hour.  Fingers crossed!!

I made another big change in my life this year, I gave up being a girl scout leader. I know, you're shocked.  I really really enjoyed my 4 years as a leader, but right now, I don't have the time to dedicate to full time leadership for them and half the girls aren't returning anyway.  So J will go to a Juliette troop and H will continue with the one she's in now.  They both enjoy it and I am glad to give them the opportunity to do this.  I will still volunteer and help where I can for the service unit, go on camping trips with them etc, but it will be nice to not have to do the rest.  Perk, we still get to sell cookies, but I won't be responsible for the troop amounts!

Lots of changes this year, but in good ways.  We are now in the process of working on the house and hopefully putting it on the market by Spring, or earlier.  We would like to move into Madison, different/better schools for the kids.  It would also save us TONS in gas money, as my mom is in Madison, the girls sports stuff is mostly in Madison and lots of my friends live in Madison.  So please say a prayer this all works out for us! :) 

1 comment:

d e v a n said...

Best of luck on the house stuff!!