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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

November Has Arrived!

I guess I should say that Fall/Winter weather anyways! We had such a record breaking heat record this past summer that went on thru most of Oct that I am having a time adjusting to this um Fall weather? I guess you could say it's Fall but it's feeling more Winter like. The high today was supposed to be around 54, not sure it got there or not. It was breezy all day and quite cool out, I believe it's gonna be in the umm high 20's tonight?? Does that sound like Fall in the South? LOL I think not!

So Turkey Day is around the bend and I have no clue what we are going to do. I am to stressed right now trying to figure a way to come up with the $$ to cover my hearing aids. I think we are going to have to take a loan out and go that route. :( I am not looking forward to that, been putting off calling the H/A dr back and finding out the next step.

Hailey was sick over the weekend and gosh on Sun night she went to bed at 10 pm and slept til Noon and then ate 2 pieces of toast and drifted to sleep at the table lol. She then slept on the couch til 3. I was in complete utter shock! She's never slept that much even when she was sick prior. I am guessing it was just a stomach bug, she's all better and typical toddler today.

Jess is doing well in school, got her report card a few weeks ago. She had all A's and 1 B, so not to terrible. Oh and her 3rd tooth came out this past Friday night while we were at dinner no less. She's been complaining and complaining how it hurt and hubby even tried to pull it on Thurs night. He couldn't get a tight enough grip though, but she bit into a ROLL and it came out LOL. He must have gotten it pretty dang loose though!

Well that's about it in a nutshell for now, will be back soon with more!


Alex @ I'm the Mom said...

I wish there was some way I could help.

Yay for losing teeth!! That has to be exciting. Do you do the whole "Tooth Fairy" thing? I'm not sure if we plan to or not. We'll see.

I'm sorry your little munchkin was sick. Though, Im envious of all that sleep lol.

Ambitious Blonde said...

We do the tooth fairy thing yah we just give $1.00 a tooth. NO big deal out of it but it was tradition in our families so we carry it on. :)

I wish I was back to that day she slept! I would have slept in too! I was up at the crack of dawn though LOL