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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Fishful Thinking & Macy's $25 Gift Card Giveaway!

Fishful Thinking & Macy's $25 Gift Card Giveaway

What is Fishful Thinking?
"All parents want their kids to be happy and successful. Kids should have the chance to achieve whatever they want in life. Unfortunately, only 42% of kids believe that they will be able to achieve their goals.1 The Goldfish® brand cares about kids and wants to help inspire them to become the successes they were born to be."

"The Fishful Thinking program provides the tools parents need to teach their kids how to think optimistically about themselves and how to use their Optimism to overcome life's obstacles, persist in the face of adversity, and transform setbacks into manageable challenges. By teaching kids Optimism today, we are equipping them with the skills and strategies they can rely on to shine in the face of adversity for the rest of their lives."

Length: 1 week - April 9-April 16, Drawing to be held April 17

Challenge: Show Me What You’ve Learned about Fishful Thinking

1 entry: Readers who post a fact/information they learned from visiting to my blog! The more comments (1 entry per fact) you leave the better your chances are to win! Have 5 facts/info to share, be sure to make 5 different comments!

Raffle Prize: $25 Macy’s gift card for a winner, chosen at random

Here are some ideas for you to check out!

Emotional Charades

How to be a Happier Mom

Treasure Box

There is soo much more to learn about by visiting Fishful Thinking! Don't forget to come back and leave a comment with a fact/info you learned from visiting Fishful Thinking.

***Be sure to leave an email address so I can contact you if you win!!!

Please pass it along! Bookmark and Share

1 comment:

silverhartgirl said...

Mastery is critical for success and well-being. Children who believe they have control are more likely to feel happy and experience less anxiety.

Children are told what they can and cannot do, eat, wear, play, etc. Parents have to make choices for their children, but giving children the opportunity to make their own choices is critical for them to develop confidence and a sense of control.
silverhartgirl at