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Thursday, February 1, 2007

Much Ado about.....snow?

Well yes it did snow last night started around 11:40 or so. I peeked outside before snuggling down in bed for the night and lo and behold I saw FLURRIES! Who would have thought the weatherman was right??

I guess they knew it wouldn't be too bad, they didn't do continuous coverage on air, they scrolled at the bottom of the screen with school closings/delays and broke in on the hour/half hours with updates.

As the night went on many places and businesses were delaying opening by 1 to 2 hours, which is OK not terrible. Lucky for me my daughter went to school on time, there was no delays for her city school.

It wasn't that bad out, the temp never dropped low enough on the roads for anything to stick, soooo off to school and work everyone went, except those who wanted an excuse not to work. So yes it did snow, maybe a half inch here where I live. I took some pics I will upload later and add to this. So you know I wasn't lying about seeing snow and it being in the South and all.

So off to enjoy this rainy day.

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