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Monday, June 16, 2008

The Return of Insomnia

I had gotten used to sleeping again but apparently our trip to Hawaii is still messing my sleeping schedule up. The last 3 or so nights I haven't been able to sleep til about 4 am and its about 4 am now and I am wide awake. I really think its stress related though, the trip, the house, the house, the house, see a trend?

So this weeks stress is trying to finish our house to sell it. Yes that's right trying to finish our home improvement projects that's been going on for a little over a month now. So ready to be done ready for my dh to finish one project before moving on to the next.

We have put alot of money into this house, brand new roof, new flooring (except bedrooms) in the last 2 yrs, new light fixtures inside and out, new faucets, new doorknobs and painting inside and out. This is another one of those times when talking paint I want to kick myself or hubby rather because the paint has been in the garage for 2 yrs. We are going from this nasty gray/blue color to a pretty champagne (light yellow) color with white trim. I really do like the colors its a shame I'll not get to enjoy them LOL.

I pray we'll finish this up in the next week or so, so we can get the house officially on the market since the coming soon sign has been here for about 3 weeks now EEK! I hate it and I hate telling our realtor we aren't done. We are getting closer daily still have some inside painting to do and work oh yes and more packing. I have been in charge of packing up the junk and sorting and throwing out things. The living/dining/playroom and most of Jessica's room is done. Worked on the kitchen and have a few more things to go there plus the master. I did start in there as well this weekend but I really need to buckle down and get r done!

I am trying not to nag my dh but geesh he acts like he didn't know this was coming. I have told him for about 6 months I wanted to move this year! I am stressing our house will not sell since it'll likely be July before it hits the market...sigh. There are still about 10 or so houses for sale in my n'hood but we had more so thats a good sign. The bad sign is the house 2 doors down dropped their price recently, though I thought it was overpriced by atleast 20K! We'll see how low they go.

We are having some issues with the builder we chose and now I am regretting it. I don't know what's going to happen hope to find out tomorrow. They keep messing around and ignoring our realtor when we needed to know for 2 weeks while in HI if they would extend the contingency contract. They never returned her calls, hubby calls the day after we get back and bam all the sudden can give us an answer. Um ok yah so then they tell him we'll lose the $2K they gave us when we signed the original contract...which was the big reason we signed with them! So frustrated but we'll see what happens.

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